UK's shoegaze pioneers Slowdive to bring their ambient pop to HK

Time:2024-06-03 17:48:22 Source:World Wrap news portal

More than 30 years after forming, British band Slowdive are back and bringing their rich, reverb-drenched sound to Hong Kong’s AsiaWorld-Expo following a largely sold out European tour.

British shoegaze pioneers Slowdive. Photo: Ingrid Pop.
British shoegaze pioneers Slowdive. Photo: Ingrid Pop.
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Slowdive rose to fame in the early 1990s as pioneers of the shoegaze genre – a fuzzy, distorted wall of sound that is at once dreamlike, nostalgic and full of longing.

The band’s 2023 album everything is alive– their first since 2017 – has been called “their best yet,” by music magazine Paste, while the Wall Street Journal described it as “perfect music for the summer’s end, an album to be experienced under a thick blanket while watching the sun disappear behind the trees.”

They will be supported on March 14 at AsiaWorld-Expo by Japanese singer-songwriter Ichiko Aoba who pens mysterious, modern folk music.

  • Tickets: On sale now via KKTIX at HK$750
  • Date: March 14, 2024
  • Venue: AsiaWorld-Expo, Runway 11
  • Address: AsiaWorld-Expo, Hong Kong International Airport, Lantau Island, Hong Kong
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